Artwork Specification
These notes provide all the information required to submit your own artwork to Shelley Signs for full colour printed signs, interpretative panels, and outdoor displays. If preparing artwork for routed or sandblasted panels please contact us. Further information can be found at this artwork & design link.
Our prices for ‘artwork supplied on disc’ assume that we process each file once. If the artwork does not comply, or, if changes are subsequently made to the content, we incur additional processing costs and reserve the right to charge accordingly.
PDF Format. Please supply PDFs using the Press Quality or High-Quality Print option within the relevant software.
Preferred Media. We prefer to use CD or DVD. Please note that we no longer support zip discs.
To upload files electronically we use You Send It via this link
Job Specifications:
Framing Allowance – If the finished interpretive or park signs are to be fitted into our steel or timber frames, please remember that 20mm on all four sides will be hidden by the frame. We would recommend leaving a 20mm framing allowance on all four sides.
Photographs & Illustrations – Whether in colour or black and white, these can be saved as either CMYK or RGB. If the placed images are at same size then they can be saved at 300dpi.
Fonts – Please include fonts with the job folder or save them with text as outlines or paths. When sending composite eps or pdf files, please include fonts.
Hard Copy – Please send a hard copy of your job to enable us to check for textual re-flow.
Rasterised Files – Unless instructed to the contrary we will convert black text on rasterised files to a single colour black.
If you have any further questions please contact the Graphics Department at Shelley Sign on 01743 460996