
Distinctive Wooden Signs

Many of our clients want to create signs and graphics that offer great interpretation but also have an individual feel to them. High quality design and a clearly thought out message are key but the mounting structure can play an important part.

Museum & Heritage Show 2016

It is a rather scary thought that we exhibited at the first ever Museum & Heritage Show – way back in 1993. After a break of a few years we have booked to attend again this year. Congratulations should be extended to the M & H Show Team for successfully running the Show for so many years.

Supporting of AHI Awards

Shelley Signs are active supporters of the Association of Heritage Interpretation – as well as being members of the Association, Rob Shelley sits of the Board of Trustees as Treasurer.

Material Options

Shelley Signs are best known for production of exceptionally robust outdoor signs and graphics using Encapsulated Glass Reinforced Plastic (GRP).

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