Wall Mounted Signs
Wall Mounted Signs are a popular option, ranging from simple drilled signs to timber or metal frames.
Wall mounted signs are a popular option in the right location and saves the expense of buying and fitting posts. Signs can be fitted to brick, clad and timber walls.
Simply screw the sign direct to the wall. While this is the lowest cost option it can look rather utilitarian and many of our clients prefer the more designed finish created by a metal or timber frame.
The wall mounted aluminium frames can be powder coated to an agreed colour. They result in a stylish, ‘designed’ finish and really help to create a feature of your sign or display. It is well worth paying extra for a frame.
Wall mounted timber frames can be produced in either Oak or softwood. Our recommended option is oak but please remember that all timbers will weather down over time.
For some applications brushed stainless steel frames may be an appropriate choice for a wall mounted interpretation panel but they do tend to be rather over-engineered & expensive for most applications.